Tuesday, October 16

تا کی میگذاریم این دیو تنوره بکشه؟

این لینک را وصل کرده ام به پیام برادر مـجاهـد مسعـود رجـوی شاید که آرام بخش دل شمـا هـم مـیهـنان عزیـزم شود هـمانطوری که دل و قلب مرا بعـد از مـدتها روشنی بخشیـد.
Let us rebel and stand against repression
Let us be free and govern our own destiny
let us all stand for those imprisoned for fighting for their rights
let us say "NO" to hunger, say "NO" to opression, say "NO" to imprsonment, say "NO" to joblessness, say "NO" to Mullahs who have tried so far somehow successfully to take back our beatful country 100 years back but of course with "gun" Killings and opressions.
Let us say together "Stop stealing from this people" and no more for Hezbullah in Lebonan, No more for terrorism and no more killing our young and beautiful minds and souls.
This country belong to us and not to Hezbullah, Bosni and Sudan.
Let us work together and help our Mojahed broders and sisters.
let us say "Yes" to shareh Ashraf, Shareh sharf va Azadi.
What does it take for our people to rise? More killings? More hunger? More and more of Addiction? More Prostitutions? enough is enough, Lets get rid off all mullahs now and for ever.
When Mr. so called Mirzaei (Antar Ahmadi Nejad's) fake name when he was Interrogating and killing our Mojahed and Mobarez brothers and sisters in Tabriz and Evin Prisons become the president of this beautiful country and Nation, do you expect us to have a face in the world? No we don't unless we Iranian people say "NO" to him and them in totality and separate ourselves from these "Tugs".
ایـن پاسداره جلاد هـزار تـیر که هـنوز چهـره کریه اش را بیاد دارم قاتل مستـقیم هـزاران خواهـر و بـرادر مجـاهـد من است. او با دستان کثیف خودش گلوله به سر مبارک آن کوه مردان و شیر زنان مجـاهد و مبارز زد و از نـردبـان "ترقِی" اینچنان بالا رفت. حال سـؤال این است؟ آیا ما مردم ایران فریب این گماشته ولی فقیه ارتجاع را نخورده ایم؟ آیا وقت حسابرسی از این جانیان فرا نرسیده است؟ جواب را خود شما بدهـید لطفآ. ما که سالها را در زندان این کفتاران بسر بردیم و بعد از آن هم که ناقص و بیمـار در غربت.......
بـه راستی تا کی........؟
م الـف
واشنگتـن دی سی